Obit Options

Obit Options


No Cookie Cutter Obituaries When You Have Obit Options

Quality Obituaries Created With Care 

At Obit Options we're particular about obits and it shows in the quality of our work.​ We serve the Kingsport, Tennessee area and beyond. We've created affordable, professional obituaries for clients from various parts of the U.S.​ and Canada.

We are available to help you create an obituary that is just right for you or a loved one.​ Why not let Obit Options write, or edit an obituary for you in advance?  That way, it will be ready when needed, written the way you want it. If you need an obit written quickly, we can do that. Please visit our Obituaries to view some of our recent obits.​ Our obituaries are written in Associated Press style unless another style is requested. Not all of our obits appear on the obituary page because some are written in advance.

We also have a way to pay tribute to a family member, friend,or pet. Please visit our Tributes page to see examples of tributes to a loved one, or our Pet Tributes page, if you would like to honor a furry family member. To view our prices for the different services we offer, please read the Payment Information page. Please browse this website to see what Obit Options can offer you.​

Please note: I will strive to create an obit, life story, or tribute,  that you will proud to honor your loved one with.  However, if I have started working on your project and you cancel, payment of 50% of the total price for the work done will be expected.

For any questions you may have, please visit Obit Options FAQ Page or email Donna at 


Donna Leah Alvis
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